For some reason, I have one of those personalities where I easily become singularly focused on one thing just shy of the point of obsession. I essentially get easily addicted. Right now, here are my top three addictions:
Law & Order: SVU
I don't know what it is about this show, but I have probably scene every episode and still whenever I flip the channel and land on a rerun or TNT marathon, I get sucked in and watch all over again. Half the time, I'll even be watching the show thinking, "I'm sure I've seen this..." but I still don't change the channel.
I was never that kind of kid who played video games. Ever. What I know of video and computer games is next to nothing. (It was my boyfriend who supplied some of the Worlds of Warcraft references that are in Unraveling). But now that I have an iphone, I downloaded a few games to play on the subway. And the one that's sucked me in, is totally Bejeweled. I don't know what it is about those stupid gems but I'm always convinced that with one more game I can score better!
But now this obsession is back. It started with Downton Abbey which I watched in two weekends (one for each season). And then it continued with For the Darkness Shows the Stars by Diana Peterfreund, which I read several weeks ago. It's a post-apocalyptic retelling of Jane Austen's Persausion which is probably my favorite. The romance is swoonworthy and as soon as I finished, I wanted to go back and read the original. Instead I started watch some new BBC shows that people had recommended like Luther and Sherlock and it's safe to say I am completely hooked.
All things
Jane Austen
(as played by Anne Hathaway, here it Becoming Jane Austen)
This is one of those addictions that I've had ever since I read Pride & Prejudice, which I read late. I had my masters before I sat down with a copy of the book and started to read, mostly because I couldn't believe I hadn't read it yet. I didn't necessary expect to like it. (There are some classics that I just don't like very much). And I certainly didn't expect to love it, but I did. I promptly read all of her books and her letters and a bunch of Jane Austen inspired books. I watched all the movies and the miniseries and even started to dream "in British." At the time, Jane Austen took over about six months of my life. Then I moved on to a new obsession (I think it might have been Veronica Mars).